- May 24
Downwinders and the U.S. Nuclear Military-Industrial Complex
Buenas yan håfa adai, From earlier than I can remember, my grandmother was my best friend. She was incredibly kind, funny, bold, and...
- May 22
Celebrate International Day of Biodiversity with WPLC!
Dear Relatives, Today is International Day of Biodiversity (IDB), and we join the global community in celebrating our Mother Earth. This...
- May 17
Celebrating Native Nonprofit Day: Honoring Our Impact and Resilience
Dear Relatives, May 17th is Native Nonprofit Day. This day gives us a chance to recognize the vital role that Indigenous nonprofits play...
- May 14
The Impacts of U.S. Militarization on Water and Indigenous Peoples
Dear Friends & Relatives, As you may know, at the Water Protector Legal Collective we have underway several Critical Research projects...
- May 10
Time for Justice: Leonard Peltier’s June Parole Hearing Garners Vast Support Including Legal Expert Letter on Arbitrary Detention from WPLC
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2024 Contact: Nizhoni Begay, Communications Coordinator, Time for...
- May 10
Time for Justice: Leonard Peltier’s June Parole Hearing
Dear Relatives, The first time I met Leonard Peltier, as he walked out towards the attorney visitation room shackled while taking steps...
- May 7
Fighting Invisibility… WPLC International Advocacy at UNPFII
Dear Relatives, I was recently asked what major project WPLC is working on – my response was “fighting invisibility.” Here’s why. In...
- May 5
MMIWG2SR Day of Awareness: Today we honor our relatives.
“The abuse of women is well known in history, and tells you a lot about what is happening on our earth.” LaDonna Brave Bull Allard...
- May 3
WPLC Joins Thousands of Indigenous Human Rights Defenders at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2024 Contact: Photo by: WPLC Executive Director and Senior Attorney...